Roadkill Brewery Co. (THE BEER THREAD)

Started by Roadkill, July 16, 2013, 09:04:24 AM

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art b

Quoting: Roadkill
It's been just over a week, now, in the bucket . . . hopefully Sammy's picking up a hydrometer today so I'll give it a test tonight and go from there . . .

give it a minimum of 2 weeks...

im just sorting out a recipie and grain for the brighton brew..
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Sammy got a Hydrometer from work but I've just purchased a 100ml glass trail jar off of eBay for testing.

Also picked up a rigid syphon tube, clip and tap for when it comes to barreling . . .

Think I'm all set, now.

Just the wait, now . . . .


Clear Bottles are being stockpiled for you at the Pub Dean.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

Quoting: Roadkill

Sammy got a Hydrometer from work but I've just purchased a 100ml glass trail jar off of eBay for testing.

you can put the hydro in the beer and leave it there, if you have no other use for it ...

Quoting: FUBAR
Clear Bottles are being stockpiled for you at the Pub Dean.

there ya go ...
brown bottles are better for beers,
as some beers can become light struck ..
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Store them in a box?...

Up to 20 Clear Bulmers bottles since Tuesday when i made the request, should have the 40 requested by next weekend.

if you want brown ones you'll probably have 40 by Monday
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


If Art says "Brown bottles" I'd better go for brown bottles !

Thanks, Ryan !

art b

the brown bulmers bottles ae good, very strong,easy to cap

and hold 5ooml
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Quoting: Roadkill
If Art says "Brown bottles" I'd better go for brown bottles !

Thanks, Ryan !


Ok, i'll change the request at the Pub.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

Quoting: FUBAR

Ok, i'll change the request at the Pub.

you hand over the empty bottles ...then you can have some full ones back for taste testing..
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Quoting: FUBAR

I'll bow to Art's experience on the subject.

I'd still prefer Clear bottles, though . . .

art b

save a few bottles for the brighton taste testing...
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2 weeks in the bucket tomorrow . . . .

art b

waiting...thats the hard part over

whats the hydro reading....?
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Quoting: art b
whats the hydro reading....?

Not checked it yet - what sort of numbers should I be expecting ?

art b

Quoting: Roadkill
Not checked it yet - what sort of numbers should I be expecting ?

depending on the kit,.. and the SG [1040]

it will be around 1010 or nearby when ready to bottle...
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It's about 1011 - 1012 . . the kit says 1009 +/- 2 points so I reckon I'm just about in . .

art b

yup ....

id get stuff ready/cleaned and bottle on fri or sat ...
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I ended up barreling it last night as I had a bit of free time and I'm not too sure how this weekend's gonna pan out just yet . . .

So I've got a few bottles (so Sammy can take some into work for her boss - can't complain as it's all been basically free so far !) . . . the rest went in the barrel (I figured it simpler for my first batch).

Instructions say wait for 4 weeks to mature.

That's gonna be tough !

Think I'm gonna get another batch in the bucket in the next week or so . . . start a production line going.


Reckon I've got 36-37 pints in the barrel.

Art, how long do you reckon it'll last without CO2 once the drinking begins ?

art b

you can have one of your own free beers at the weekend...

after a few days in the barrel,[in a warmish place, no worries in this weather ]
then leave it outside over nite to chlll a bit,

it will be time to have a trial half to see how it tastes and if its carbonating ,...

this will give you an idea of the taste ..
it should be good......
look for any off tastes  it may be a bit yeasty...

then it will improve with time,
there is no real science to the maturing,
some beers are great as soon as there brewed ,
[most pub beers are around 3 weeks old,
but they do have a lot of complicated methods to get their product done and sold,]
others beers are best when you drink the last pint

You should get at least half way through the barrel,
before it needs a top up of co2 ..or you may get away with using none at all, it depends on how much co2 the beer is producing...

good luck with the tasting
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Quoting: art b
You should get at least half way through the barrel,
before it needs a top up of co2 ..or you may get away with using none at all, it depends on how much co2 the beer is producing...

How will I know if I need to add CO2 ?  Will there be a vacuum in the barrel ?

Quoting: art b
you can have one of your own free beers at the weekend..

COOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

art b

Quoting: Roadkill
How will I know if I need to add CO2 ? Will there be a vacuum in the barrel ?

it will slow down when you pour it as there will be less pressure....

it will eventually form a vacuum, and pull air in through the tap..
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Ah, so when it starts to slow down I should add the CO2 before it has a chance to "suck back" ?

Do you use those little CO2 capsules I've seen on eBay ???

art b

yes and no ....

i have two ''king kegs'' with different valves on top , both were second hand on egay as there around £60 new,  

one is the small co2 capsule around 6g

and the other is a larger refillable cylinder a s30 which holds 880g its much cheaper and less hassle\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

yours ''should'' be the smaller capsule fitting ..\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
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