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anyone know about NAS drives?

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Big Mouse:
As we're on the move I've had to reduce my DVD/Bluray collection but I've still got over 200 so I've decided to put all the dvd's onto a NAS drive in a format that a DLNA bluray player can recognise.

I've looked on Ebuyer but still none the wiser - does the NAS drive slot into a spare bay in the pc or do I need an external housing for it? I'm thinking a 2gb drive to give me plenty of room for expansion.

So who can tell me what sort of drive would be best?
what else do I need to consider - the pc is a recent i7 pc with Win8 and 12 GB of ram.  Its only got basic geoforce 640 gt graphics but does that come into play if I'm running the films through the TV?

Ian's the man - he's got a few of them.

We've got a NAS Drive.  A 2x2TB one in mirrored (f one drive fails the other has the data).

The graphics depends on how you are connected to the TV.

Here is a linkie


OK, simply put a NAS drive is that a (N) Network (A) Attached (S) storage deivce so it doesn't require anything in the pc, it's normally a standalone box that has 1 or more HDD's in which you link into your wired or wireless network.

For what you're looking to do you WILL need more than a 2Gig setup, i'd think a minimum of 2TB (Terabyte) and i'd sugggest for backup / data recovery you'd be best with a multiple drive system, either 2 drives mirrored (meaning the same data is saved on both discs) or a 4 drive RAID system (where the system is written in a special way that the data can be recovered in a faulty drive situation)

It all comes down to cost and what you want, have a look on Ebuyer / Overclockers at NAS system by Buffalo, Synergy, Linksys or Netgear and as you say, look fr one that has DNLA or media Streaming capability

Hope that helps, if you need any more info lemme know and ill try to reply before we leave the US, if not we back next fri so can answer then



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