Profanisaurus Rex, word of the week.....

Started by Jo, January 01, 2016, 06:30:47 AM

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After last nights conversation, and the need to use my profanisaurus Rex, here is the first of many words of the week :) not meant to offend, just to amuse.

Happy Shopper:

A cheap and cheerless grocery brand, A bi-sexual - one who shops on both sides of the street.  half rice half chips.


Well remebered and thats a good un to start with :)


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Word of the week...
Dropped the ball already then.

Here we go:
ball swipe: n. While dogging, the act of resting your cods on a fellow dogger 's windscreen and requesting that they turn on their wipers at high speed to smack them from side to side whilst you pleasure yourself. It is, apparently, recommended that the dogger should receive a jet of cold screenwash every five minutes or so to soothe irritation.


Lol didn't seem popular so gave up, but ok yours made me chuckle so here we go:

Minkle - Hampshire term for ladies front pocket, 'you can see her minkle'


M & S turd: euph. A shite which is worthy of special attention due to its exceptional quality. "This is not just a turd, this is a five-day matured, chicken vindaloo with garlic naan and eight bottles of Cobra turd."



Cock duster n. A handlebar moustache of the sort sported by the leather-clad 'Village People'-style puddle jumpers who people Richard Littlejohn's fevered imaginings.  Also scrotum tickler.


yachting: n. The stirring sight of a dog in full sail, tacking its way across the living room carpet, attempting to remove the barnacles from its keel.


That one actually made me snort my tea.  :up:


An old favourite poped up on my phone as the daily entry this morning...

jizzaster: n. The leaving of incriminating masturbatory evidence behind. 'That wad of spunk on the carpet was a fucking jizzaster. Not to mention the Fuck Truck tape in the video, or the circle of open wank mags on the living room floor. Or me lying unconscious in the middle of it all with my trousers round my ankles and my red-raw cock in my hand.'


abra-kebabra: n. A magical illusion performed after a night on the piss, whereby a traditional Turkish delicacy is made to disappear down the performer's throat, only to reappear a short time later on the back of a taxi driver's head.


Sorry, been rather busy so lapsed, will post another later :)


Here we go.....

Hobnob n. A big dirty ringpiece, barnacled with such an excess of winnetry that it takes on the appearance of a much loved family biscuit.


one: n. A poking. The SI unit of sex, given to a woman by a man and measured from the moment it goes in to to moment it goes off. Equivalent to six tenths of a portion, 180% of some, and 2.36 bits of the other.


Blotto pilot n. Inbuilt male homing device which secures a safe return to one's house after a night on the sauce, what ever one's level of inebriation.