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Messages - ianjpage

Know what you mean dean, i do check in to see what's going on but nothing (save for jamies project updates) these days, so think the forum will remain for reference, but that's about it now.

FB is good for some things, others not so - so understand the decision there as well.

Shame to see the forum go the way it has gone but it is what it is, we all tend to socialise anyhow so onward we all shall go!
General Banter / Re: Howdy from across the pond!
April 02, 2017, 05:23:53 PM
Wow grandchild no 6 - lol yeah i bet that is nice, spoil em, wind em up and hand them back :D
General Banter / Re: Howdy from across the pond!
April 02, 2017, 04:32:32 PM
Wow howdy stranger long time no speak -we're all still about, forum is very quiet these days (the curse of Facebook!), how are you and the family doing over there?
Projects / Re: '79 Camaro - Major surgery
March 16, 2017, 11:01:08 AM
yeah we still here, hopefully weather being better now should mean more progress for you on teh car :)
Projects / Re: The "Roadkill Chop-Shop" Project
October 10, 2016, 02:52:34 PM
lol wow it's certainly had some different uses then no wonder it generated lots of waste!!
Projects / Re: The "Roadkill Chop-Shop" Project
October 05, 2016, 03:13:12 PM
Coming along nicely looks a good solid base under there,  what was thefe before as looks like been other building or summat there?
Looking good!
General Banter / Re: I'm a MONDEO MAN, now !!!
September 23, 2016, 04:11:49 PM
so close to 300k!!!   fingers crossed it get's there!
Projects / Re: The "Roadkill Chop-Shop" Project
August 23, 2016, 01:36:04 PM
:up: sounds a good sized space for the caddy!!
General Banter / Re: Hello all
August 18, 2016, 03:22:29 AM
wow viper - nice to see you still about mate!!
started to make changes.....
Computers and Games / Re: New Doom!!
July 26, 2016, 04:50:40 PM
Finally got round to buying this and Fallout 4 the other day, total of 70gb downloaded :S
Quote from: Titsy on July 22, 2016, 04:22:16 AM
He or she will be making an appearance in mid December. Not panicking at all, honest...  :crazy01:

LOL you panicking.......surely not :p
Congratulations to you both!!!
That looks so sweet with the carbs and domes on!
Backup done, redirection page put in place on homepage, and now starting to remove the gallery and other bits
General Banter / Re: I'm a MONDEO MAN, now !!!
July 12, 2016, 12:48:08 PM
Wow surprised it still going!   Fingers crossed the milestone of 300k is reached
How To Guides / Facebook linking
July 11, 2016, 05:23:17 PM
As you may notice, there's now a Facebook icon in the bar above the reply box (if using full reply, not quick reply!), all you need to do to show a Public FB post here, is click the button and paste the link to the post (right click the post and copy link).

Note that it needs to be a public post, not to a private / closed group, so for instance a photo status change is public, whereas a post to a secret / closed group isn't

So the link to the photo being changed by Su is (spaced so teh forum doesn't try to render it!):
h t t p s://

so click the FB button and paste, you get:
OK backup still going as failed last night, so not doing any changes till thats done, but the FB page is now up:

Currently set as closed group (i.e. have to request to be member to post in the group) - open to discussion if it should be public or not?
Backup started, gunna take a while as there ~16gb to download!!!!
Quote from: ianjpage on June 22, 2016, 08:29:37 AM
cool all sounds good, should be able to get this sorted the weekend.

OK that didn't happen - i'll try this weekend!!
Quote from: Roadkill on June 28, 2016, 11:13:19 AM
Checked all the fuses I could find, including inline ones - all good.

Battery was freshly charged.

I think the ones for the poppers come from one of the 2 small fuse blocks on the firewall in teh passenger if they good then very odd, don't think there any more, the system is obviously working to an extent if you can hear the relay firing, it sounds like the solenoid isn't getting power...which is controlled by the relay and the if fuse OK and relay clicking then very odd one....might mean pulling a door card off and seeing if you get 12v at the solenoid +ve connector
Quote from: Roadkill on June 28, 2016, 09:45:30 AM
On pressing the button on the remote you can hear the D/S relay clicking but it's not firing the solenoid . . . . on the P/S I can't even hear the relay clicking - nothing.

Pushing the buttons "hidden" on the rear does nothing, either (I can't hear the relays but am obviously further away).


Hmm, guess the battery is all OK as it started....only thing might be worth checking is the fuses as there is a fuse between the relay and the solenoid (i think!)
Quote from: Roadkill on June 28, 2016, 04:26:06 AMI do have an issue with the door poppers which'll need investigation.

What's up with them??
cool all sounds good, should be able to get this sorted the weekend.