Go to Google maps and click on "Get Directions".
Start at NY, NY and end at London, England.
Now goto #21 in the directions. It's a hoot!!(http://www.mkb.cc/forum/smileys/rofls.gif)
bet its the one that involves swimmin (http://www.mkb.cc/forum/smileys/rofls.gif)
Yup, Classic.
Doesn't do it for going to Australia, though. (http://www.mkb.cc/forum/smileys/dontknow.gif)
Obviously that's just too far to swim in one go. (http://www.mkb.cc/forum/smileys/smirk.gif)
ahh the ol google classic swimming instructions.....there are i think, loads of wierd things like that on google sites, you just gorra find em!!