The Windows alternatives...

Started by Losty, May 02, 2007, 05:34:33 PM

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Just wondering if any of you guys have used, or are using linux to any extent?

I'm currently writing this from my newly installed ubuntu install..\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

You can download it and burn it to a CD and run it as a "live CD" and it boots from your CD, doesnt write to your Hard drive, and lets you revert back to windows when you restart!

I took the plunge and decided to actually install it onto my second hard drive ( dual booting! )

So far, I have ran into 1 major issue, and that means my soundcard won't actually work, due to creative labs being slack and no release a linux driver for my xfi card.

I didn't even need to do anything special to get the internet to work via my network.. it just worked ( though slightly worrying at the same time..)

I might update this post with more good/bad linux things as the days go by....

although i do like the vast quantity of software thats available on start up!


The only thing I keep windows for is playing games. If it wasn't for that, I'd have switched to linux years ago.


I liked the idea of linux, and have had a live CD with Damn Small Linux on it, which i could have used on a PC to determine whether its a hardware fault or a software(windows) issue

My attempts to use it properly back then, was thwarted by the fact it couldn't detect my pci adsl modem, therefore no net, therefore no point!

There is a real possibility that ubuntu will be a phase that i go through, and use it for about 2 weeks...

F Body

I'm running Firefox now without half the crap I used to get with IE, but are you talking about the whole operating system or just the internet



I've lost interest already in this, mainly due to it not supporting my soundcard

however..... i may get an additional hard drive for one of my other machines, and install it on that ( i will check my soundcard compatibility first tho )