MOT Failure - ££ ouch!

Started by Jamieg285, February 21, 2009, 04:14:48 AM

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The 'maro failed the MOT on thursday

5 items:

1. Front brake hose expanding under pressure - Should be an easy fix (ho ho)
2. Excessive corrosion at suspension mounting - trunk floor left
3. Excessive corrosion at suspension mounting - trunk floor right
4. Excessive corrosion at suspension mounting - back panel/bumper left
5. Excessive corrosion at suspension mounting - back panel/bumper left


Being as all the rust is in non-visible areas, I'm having a go at doing it myself. The trunk floor has cleaned up quite well, and only requires 2 small patches.

To get to the rest I had to remove the rear bumber assembly, then start hacking away at the rust.  I reckon I've lost about a square foot of metal

I've got it all prepared now, but was delayed while waiting for some sheet metal.  In the meantime, I went to change the flexi-hose.

I just knew it wouldn't be as easy as it should be.  First I couldn't remove the flexi from the hardline, so I've had to cut the hard line and re-flare (in situ, which isn't easy).  

The it just gets worse.  On trying to loosen the bleed screw, it has sheared off level with the top of the caliper.  I've tried drilling and using a screw extractor, but I've ended up ruining the threads

The other side was pretty much the same story - end result - £180 for new calipers

Lets hope the welding goes well.

Flip Martian

Weird - mine failed on Thursday too.

Although its only heavily scored front brake discs and a couple of bulbs in the headlight assembly (which I'd never even noticed were there!) for me. She was due a service - just a shame I forgot the MOT was due and had to get that done first...

Roger and Andy at Paragon were both apologetic and said the car was a really good solid example for the year (1999) - Roger said "they're starting to get like dogs usually at this age". So I'm just taking it back next week for the service and those to be done.

Good luck with getting yours done!

F Body

Holy Rust Batman

Still if you will drive it everyday


Quoting: Jamieg285
On trying to loosen the bleed screw, it has sheared off level with the top of the caliper. I've tried drilling and using a screw extractor, but I've ended up ruining the threads  

Exactly the same happened to me on the third gen.


Progressing well with the welding, but then, with total dependancy, the gas runs out when I'm less than 1/3 done - and the welding shop is shut till Monday.

art b

looks like you have a bit of work there.
i use gasless wire these every time ya go to the gas bottle ...someones nicked it...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


oo not good lots of rust there - hope you get it all sorted !