Lady Gaga Pussy Wagon.

Started by F Body, March 12, 2010, 07:42:08 AM

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F Body

This could be the actual Silverado SS Pussy Wagon from the Kill Bill series films or a detailed replica, but who really cares as long as it's yellow

NB : There's a NSFW video ( Telephone Song ) on You Tube but I can't link to it at work

EDGE\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

thats an AWFUL song


id guess its the one from the film it hardly got used so must be about somewhere

my garage keys are on one of these


Hmm they've both done much better.

Big Mouse

Great bod until you get to the bit just above her neck then it all goes to ratshit

Whereas with Beyonce it all goes fine until it gets to the bit just below her neck and then I can't seem to get any further