Jamie - Couple of minor bits I noticed on the Website.

Started by Roadkill, November 08, 2005, 11:42:15 AM

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Don't want to be padantic (?) But obviously we want to be spot on.

From the front page.

"Advice is readily given and recieved, and . . . "

"i" before "e" except after "c".


"our members are more than happy to roll up there sleeves and get their hand dirty . . . "

Rolling up A sleeve and getting A hand Dirty sounds a little funny to me.

(Think about it)

Let's go the whole 100% let's get our Hands dirty !!!

Site's looking Really good.  The Chassis is all there, Now.



Points taken, and I also spotted 'there' when it should be 'their'.

World domination is going to be slow at this rate
