Heavy Snow storms in Canada.

Started by F Body, December 23, 2008, 02:04:35 AM

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F Body

Well I hope Nick has got some good snow shoes

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7796044.stm\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7796044.stm

NB : Did I mention I don't do


Ill take some pics when tmw/today.  Its a bit crazy here at the moment but still fun in a cold way. Luckily we have a huge wood burning stove with loads of stock and solar panels so still have a bit of back up.

As i type this its -22 outside


Quoting: nick69
As i type this its -22 outside

thats too cold foe me!!!


Quoting: nick69
As i type this its -22 outside


Barely coat weather.

Flip Martian


Its only just a bare covering now. Most of the snow comes after new year apparently.


What kind of solar panel setup do you have?


This morning the missus and me went 100km west to the Rockies. Its our first Proper christmas quite possibly ever. White with snow, bastard cold, lost my dog Coup as he chased a bloody animal but did come back. We went on an Xmas sight seeing trip and saw some bears and a HUGE Moose.

Its snowing again now but we are not supposed to have much, more coming next week though.

Solar panels are a 10 panel PV set up which primarily heats the hot water then when thats done the power is stored for use elsewhere in the house. We are hoping to get a wind turbine installed next year which will enable us to go to a full On Grid system meaning they pay us for what we dont use.

F Body

Quoting: nick69
bastard cold

Fantastic views and great wildlife, but my body just wouldn't function in those sort of temperatures

Yellowknife is currently -35c