I need a new PC, advice please :)

Started by EDGE, February 01, 2011, 05:42:55 AM

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Ok, so we all know I'm a Mac user (for my sins) BUT i have windows installed on my 24"iMac for work.  I only really reboot it in to OSX at the weekends (or some evenings) depending on what I want to do.

Here's the snag....  I want to keep the Mac on all the time, as my own personal machine, and buy a new machine for work.  My requirements for the PC are as follows:

1/ VERY quiet - the iMac is practically silent and I've got VERY used to it!
2/ fairly small, no full size tower cases, tbh it'll go on the floor under the desk
3/ must be able to run 2 26" monitors at 1920x1200
4/ must be 32bit native as our AutoCAD wont run on 64bit architecture
5/ windows vista
6/ probably 4GB RAM
7/ HDD unimportant size wise really, but fast as hell would be a benefit

I wont be playing games on it at all, it will be purely used for work, a sound card would be nice, onboard I assume, gigabit ethernet, all of which I assume are standard on most mobos now.


any ideas ?  mainly on the quiet part, I can spec a nice machine from bits, but i think it will be deafening compared to the iMac.

helpf ??

Cunning Plan

Just use Virtual-box and run Windows in a window in the Mac OS. I do it everyday.

http://www.virtualbox.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.virtualbox.org/

That way it will just cost you the Licence for Windows.
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

Cunning Plan

(Also, you can do full-screen mode by pressing Apple+F)
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


well, I've tried parralels and fusion, but the problem is this; the mouse driver is just no accurate enough for CAD work :(  I;ve tried everything to make it work, plus, and this is the other monkeyfuk, the usb security dongle does NOT like working on a virtual machine, it thinks you're trying to use the same dongle on 2 machines !!

hence having to get a seperate machine... nice ideas though, way to think outside (but pushed up right against) the box :)

Cunning Plan

Ahh okay, I see you have very specific requirements. I just use it to log on to a CMS for edits and SVN resource and I also use it to check webpages in IE as it rubbish and always makes everything look wrong. If you get it looking perfect in all the other browsers, you can gaurantee that it will look rubbish in IE. So you tweek for IE and it won't look as accruate or good in the rest of the browsers.

When will everyone ditch IE and use a proper browser
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

F Body

Quoting: Cunning Plan
When will everyone ditch IE and use a proper browser


yup, my req's are very specific, unfortunately, a virtual box which works for 99% of things isn't enough for me :(


Best bet would be a ready made PC - someone like Dell or Acer would do fine - any of their machines be good enough if that all you want it for...

You could custom build one, but there nothing in your needs that is non standard now...

Big Mouse

Quoting: Cunning Plan
When will everyone ditch IE and use a proper browser

When Microsoft stop bundling IE with windows, so that will be?....uh, probably never.

I think I speak for most when I say that most of us can't see any on screen difference between browsers unless someone's written code specifically for one or the other.

But that defeats the argument doesn't it?, Web designers still have to work to the masses - or should do if their customers want their web sites seen by the masses - so why not work to the standards of the masses.


Quoting: EDGE
7/ HDD unimportant size wise really, but fast as hell would be a benefit

Do you have enough money for SSD's?  if so you could have a normal & fairly small Boot drive & then have all your CAD stuff on the Solid State Drives. that would be lightning fast.  I'd avoid 10,000rpm HDDs if you're worried about noise, the VelociRaptors  are NOISY from what i've read.

Quoting: ianjpage
but there nothing in your needs that is non standard now...

I agree apart from the need of 3D for CAD (I assume) across dual monitors you'll need a fairly good, but not outlandish GFX Card.

You could also add a SDD drive to a pre-built machine.

Quoting: EDGE
5/ windows vista

Why not windows 7 32bit?
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


an ssd would be good, i realistically only need about 60GB.  The CAD software isn't as power hungry as people seem to think.  Its currently running very VERY well on this iMac which is an Intel Core 2Duo at 2.4 Ghz with 4gb ram.

graphics wise, the onboard ATI mobility Radeon 2600XT (shared RAM i think) seems to cope perfectly well with 2 monitors, the built in 24" and the second HP 24" which i had, but had to return due to a fault..

Windows wise, i THINK the software we use will run on 7, but i KNOW it works fine on vista.  I'll check before I choose the OS, I think Gem's laptop has 7 on it, so I can try it on there.


Dell used to sell a Mac-Mini eque machine that was comparable in price, presumably quiet, not sure if it could run 2 monitors though...
They did a nice casing for it out of bamboo.  Looked really nice.  For a PC...

A second hand Intel Mac Mini might be another option, just boot it into Windows and leave it there.  Then again, not sure if it can handle 2 monitors (I assume not).

You may find this site useful:
http://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/home\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.quietpc.com/gb-en-gbp/home


thanks for the link, i've been reading on buildsilentpc.com too, there are a few such sites about

I'm not sure if the mac mini can handle 2 monitors in that high a res, the 2nd output tends to be Hdmi which is 1080p for tv's

not sure about the Dull though, will have to check it out...


hmm... looks like the very latest mac mini will do it... although id have to buy apple monitors as its mini-display port out, and a hdmi which will go to a dvi with the included dongle.  And both will do 1920*1200 ......

£612 entry price though !!  And one of the monitors will need to be MDP, so thats not gonna be cheap !


Quoting: Big Mouse
I think I speak for most when I say that most of us can't see any on screen difference between browsers unless someone's written code specifically for one or the other.

But that defeats the argument doesn't it?, Web designers still have to work to the masses - or should do if their customers want their web sites seen by the masses - so why not work to the standards of the masses.

If you can't see any difference between sites when using different browsers then the web designer has done their job very well (or it's a *very* simple site).
The problem is that as a web designer you put things in the html code to define, for example, that one column is say 300 pixels wide, and the column next to it is 600 pixels wide.  You'll tell it to leave a margin of 10 pixels between the columns.  IE will double that margin to 20 pixels whereas Firefox, Safari, Chrome etc will give you 10 pixels as you asked.
this is a (slightly) simplified example but the point is that each browser will interpret your commands differently, and in the case of IE often in a nonsensical way.

IE will interpret it one way, and every other browser will interpret it the same way as each other.  In other words they will interpret it the way the standard was written.  Microsoft break all the rules, cause major headaches, and get away with it because people can't be arsed to download a free browser and install it.

To make matters even more fun, IE6 will interpret the code on the page differently to IE7.  Which is interpreted differently by IE8.  Microsoft are just not consistent.  A site that has somehow been massaged to look consistent across IE6 and IE7 (and not to mention Firefox et al) can look different on IE8.  Then when you fix it on IE8 you break it on IE6.

The Internet Explorer team at Microsoft need taking outside and shooting.

As for developing for the majority (Internet Explorer), no.  Developers should make a stand and develop for the standard the whole world has agreed on.  And when IE users go to a site they should be presented with a popup warning them that the site may not display correctly and they should consider downloading Firefox.  If every site did that it would be the end of IE and good riddance to it.

I develop sites for Safari, Firefox and Chrome.
I ensure it works and looks *ok* on IE7 but don't worry about the details.  I don't even test it on IE6 anymore as it's too much work.

Getting IE7 and IE6 compatibility bang on doubles my development time and thus doubles the bill to my customer.  Think about that next time you get a quote for a website for a business and wonder if the world really should still be using IE...

With computer use likely to decline due to mobile devices and tablets, a market which Microsoft is struggling desperately with, Apple and Google who write their stuff to stick to agreed world standards will hopefully relegate these problems to the digital past.  And Apple gets extra cool points form me for pushing the open, world agreed HTML5 standard, while ignoring Flash, a dated, proprietry standard which is inefficient and buggy.  The sooner that dies the better although I'd rather live in a world where flash lives and IE is dead than the other way around...

Apologise for the soap box, please return to your discussion about the purchase of other sub standard Microsoft products that exist only as everyone has been using them for so long that no-one dares to "think different".

Cunning Plan

Well written HRC, pretty much the issues I have when creating / maintaining a site (I am not a dedicated web developer - so it takes me hours to fix stuff).

This just about sum's it up for me:

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
IE will interpret it one way, and every other browser will interpret it the same way as each other

Imagine if IE, Chrome, Safari etc were all unified in the way they render code. Then imagine FireFox was released and displayed code completely differently - NO ONE would use it - FireFox would have to be redeveloped to fit in with the 'web standard'.

So why doesn't Microsoft have to?

Quoting: Big Mouse
When Microsoft stop bundling IE with windows, so that will be?....uh, probably never

So, simply because it is ON the machine in the first place - or at least the default one as I know now it 'pretends' to ask you if you want to install something different, but really points at IE and says "JUST KEEP THIS". So everyone who can't be bothered to get a new browser keeps IE at 70% usage or whatever the latest figure is.

Anyway :offtopic:

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


Actually IE market share is 44% these days having plummeted from 70-80%.
Firefox comes in second place at 30%, Chrome at 12% and Safari at 6%.
This is in dekstop browsers.

In mobile devices (phones, tablets) Apple, Android, Nokia and some Blackberry models all use something called Webkit to power their web browsers so the sites look consistent across them.  Between them they account for2/3rds of market share, with the final 1/3rd divided up among other phone OS's of which Windows is an also ran.  Thank god.  I suspect you will see Android as the market leader for mobile OS with Apple's iOS following closely behind, in terms of market share.


A problem we are finding is 'corporate policy'. Many of the bigger companies that we deal with will only allow their users to install/run MS crap, and some of them still aren't able to upgrade from IE6, because they need everyone on the version and it's a mammoth task to update everyone at once.

I never understood the problems IE gives until I did some proper web development, now I hate the thing.


We're on IE6 at work...

Mind you I had grounds to ask for admin privs on the laptop, and promptly installed Firefox...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
A second hand Intel Mac Mini might be another option, just boot it into Windows and leave it there. Then again, not sure if it can handle 2 monitors (I assume not).

I haven't tried running two monitors, but autocad 2004 LT ran perfectly on my mac mini dual core..


yeah, the new mac mini with the minidisplay port can be adapted down to dvi, the hdmi port can also be adapted to dvi, so its win-win... apart from the £612 plus adapters and 2 monitors !