I'm a MONDEO MAN, now !!!

Started by Roadkill, February 22, 2011, 02:15:20 PM

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The saga continues !!!!

The issue with the turbo hasn't gone away . . .

It did get better, but has slowly returned.  I can normally prevent it from going into limp mode by changing how I accelerate under load but it's a PITA for sure.  I've got about 6 months left MoT so was planning to push it to the end of the year (this should get me to 300,000 miles, too) but I don't know . . .

Late last week the high pressure hose on the power steering failed, ejaculating P/S fluid everywhere (!!!).  Thankfully it happened at the office so I only had to drive it 16 miles home without P/S.
I ordered a second hand pipe of eBay (£10 + £3 P&P), finished fitting it last night (about 90 minutes off-and-on) and filled it up.  Seems O.K, it's noisy at full lock but it's still working air out (plus the pump was running dry for nearly an hour).

Meh.  :pass:

I did spend a few minutes last night wiping over the engine / covers as the P/S fluid covered everything !

The tax is out at the end of this month so the plan is to see how she's behaving for the next week after which she'll either be sold/part-ex'd or kept (depending how the week goes !!!)


Oddly enough, since putting her back together and re-fitting the battery (I had to remove it while I did the P/S hose) she's behaved much better ?? ??


She's only gone into "limp mode" once since - that's two weeks whereas it was happening nearly every day (sometimes twice a day !) before.


Dunno, don't care.

She passed 290,000 yesterday so I'm determined to reach the big 3-0-0-0-0-0 now !!!

Onward !!!!!!!!


As it just seems to be me posting on here now, I'll continue entertaining myself . . . . :can:

After going nearly 2 weeks with only one "Limp mode" occurrence, I re-taxed her this month til the end of the year.

Since then she's gone into limp mode almost daily - sometimes up to 3 times a day !!!  :rtfm:

F**king typical.

Still, I'm pushing on.

In a bizarre side-effect - I'm guessing caused by the even gentler way I'm driving her now - this happened :

67.9 (Average) MPG !!!

Even if you take it with a generous pinch of salt, that's still pretty f*cking amazing for the old girl.

She's sitting at 291K today, with around 1000 miles scheduled for next week alone - wish us luck !!!



Wow surprised it still going!   Fingers crossed the milestone of 300k is reached


295,000 + miles . . . . and 70+ MPG !!!

:sofa:  :up:


296,000 + Miles . . .

The plan is to keep her to 300k then put what's left on eBay . . .

As a pick-up truck is still a little out of my price range at the moment, I've lined up two potential replacements . . . . Both practical (2.0L turbo-diesels) but both a *little* interesting in their own separate ways  . . .



so close to 300k!!!   fingers crossed it get's there!




So close! How many of those miles are yours again?

