Roadkill Brewery Co. (THE BEER THREAD)

Started by Roadkill, July 16, 2013, 09:04:24 AM

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art b

Quoting: Roadkill

Is that temperature dependent ?

not really
i keep the keg in our kitchen [usually quite cool]and its room temp beer,
no nasties can get in and the co2 and alcohol will preserve it...
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Quoting: art b
dont buy the cheapest kit..
there are some great kits out there ..but there not the cheapest

Do you mean the equipment kit or the Beer kit itself?

What should I avoid/look out for equipment wise?

How much is the smell going to annoy Katie?


Mine doesn't smell too bad yet . . . mixing the wort got a bit pongy but after pitching the yeast it seems to have calmed down.

Art - How do you add CO2 - by those little capsules I've seen ?

Definitely spend money on the beer kit itself . . . the equipment is fundamentally a plastic bucket . . . No major differences, there.

art b

Quoting: Incursus

So assuming you manage to produce a half decent beer, and to be fair I've had passable beers from an all in one just add water jobbie, the whole kit and caboodle (minus bottles and sugar) works out at around £65?

thb its like most hobbys..dont spend shit loads on goodies..until you know its for you ..

most people dont brew after the initial .''.it seems easy to make beer'', or if the 1st one fails..

its mianly about the ingredients temp and sanitation,

the best beer kit [ 2 can kit] £20-£30
a brewing bucket £8
a syphon tube £5.00

and bottle into plastic ,£0

£40 and your up and running....

see how it comes out and how tricky it is ...[not very]
then buy more stuff...

its not all about making cheap grog...

but a skill to improve until you have a beer thats better than most pub beer and its also cheap as chips[ which are quite expensive these days..]
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I was toying with the idea of getting a bucket with a tap with an air lock (this is the type my Dad had in his home-brewing days).

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The bucket with the Lakelands kit just relies on you "cracking the lid" on the bucket every-now-and-then to release pressure.  Seem a bit cheap.

Plus the tap negates the need for syphons and tubes.

Your opinion, Art ?


Quoting: art b
and bottle into plastic ,£0

..hmm need to find someone that drinks fizzy pop



Quoting: Incursus
How much is the smell going to annoy Katie?

I think you've been living with her long enough that brewing beer smells are the least of her worries...

art b

jeeez Louise.....

Quoting: Roadkill
Art - How do you add CO2 - by those little capsules I've seen ?

Definitely spend money on the beer kit itself . . . the equipment is fundamentally a plastic bucket . . . No major differences, there.

yes you need to top up the keg with co2, to prevent a vacum forming and air being pulled up through the tap...

yup a bucket is a bucket, the lid can be loosely fitted its only to keep derbris and flys can even cover the top with a tea towel,

Quoting: Roadkill

I was toying with the idea of getting a bucket with a tap with an air lock (this is the type my Dad had in his home-brewing days).

you need to syphon the beer without introducing air, so if you have a tap you still need a tube or a'' little bottler...see'' ebay

Quoting: Incursus
..hmm need to find someone that drinks fizzy pop

a stroll on recycling nite will produce all you need ,
Quoting: Roadkill
Screw-top wine bottles work, too.

wrong bottles are not made to take the pressure...
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Really ?

Fair enough.

Sammy picked up 6 glass beer bottles, caps, a capping machine, brewers sugar and has ordered in a Hydrometer (all free - in the name of product testing !!)

art b

Quoting: Roadkill
Really ?

yup wine isn't carbonated...

a plastic pop bottle will be good for around 100psi
a wine bottle won't  

sammys doing well...

she needs to try a wine kit too....
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She doesn't really drink that much, now . . . plus it'd be down to me to do all the work.  

Nah.  If I'm gonna do it I'll concentrate 100% on Beer-making . . . I feel that is my path.  

art b

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Quoting: art b
a woodfordes wherry is a good, easy to do beer kit...

yeah I was looking at that one, added it to my wish list


Good news !

With the cooler weather the garage (Brewery) is now a much happier temperature.

Lakeland's sell their bottles for around £1 each (6 for £5.99) but I've found them on eBay for less (100 for £45 inc. P&P).


art b

Quoting: Roadkill

Lakeland's sell their bottles for around £1 each (6 for £5.99) but I've found them on eBay for less (100 for £45 inc. P&P).

there free at the pub...

all pubs has to pay to dispose of their empties,
a quick word with the right person [ryan springs to mind ] and you will have enough to last a lifetime...

i asked at our local 2 years ago and i got 50 wine bottles one weekend....
and every time i poppped in there was a box behind the bar with 500 ml cider bottles in it waiting...
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art b

Quoting: F Body
Works well for me, just decanted another 2 litres of fruit Cider to put into the fridge  

what cider is it marti ....a fruit kit one....

is it any good ..?

its funny,
how most forums im on now have a brewing section..
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Quoting: art b
its funny,
how most forums im on now have a brewing section.

It should be mandatory, in my opinion . . .

art b

Quoting: Roadkill

With the cooler weather the garage (Brewery) is now a much happier temperature.

you can stand the fv in a water bath to regulate the temp...

with an aquarium heater added to brew when it gets colder.....again
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It's been just over a week, now, in the bucket . . . hopefully Sammy's picking up a hydrometer today so I'll give it a test tonight and go from there . . .


 I've bagged a space in a cupboard upstairs but not going to start anything till after the Kitchens done, I've got the report on how yours turned out..oh and I've 100% talked my way out of going to China for a large chunk of August