Typhoon - ON THE ROAD !!!

Started by ianjpage, April 01, 2007, 05:20:32 PM

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Well as those of you who attended the meet today would have seen the typhoon is on the road, taxed, registered and all sorted (well kinda.....)

big to the DVLA - went to bristol DVLA on wednesday morning (was the 4th person to be dealt with!!) and when i came home friday from work - there is envelope from them with Tax, Registration number document and receipt!!! Yeah you read that right - 2 DAYS !!

So sat morning consisted of going to get number plates and putting some injector cleaner / treatment stuff in the petrol.

This morning - fit plates, check and top up oil, water, brake fluid, transmision fluid and sceeen wash, then i bombs off to petrol station and fills up and does tyres then quick belt down the dual carriage way to clear it out and see how it runs.

Well it ran "OK" - was ok but a bit hesitiant and coughing under load.....ahh blow it - take it to the MKB meet anyhow!!

So, off we go - me in the phoon, vicky in the maro - tis doing couging and spluttering so take it careful........

Get onto the A34 by oxford (going back roads just incase anything happens....) and pull out and go past someone......cough.......splutter.....BANG (and a big ol bang).....

Loose all power steering and brakes, so make a dive for a slip road leading off A34, and come to halt....

Try to start and not having it - turns and turns but no go.......

Quick phone call to mr redbourne (thanks mate) and check for spark - yep all ok - must be fuel, oh well - time to call mr AA man, so vicky carry's onto the meet and i wait for them (ETA of up to 45 mins)

5-10 mins later, AA van arrives.....first words..."what is that??" ... so he does various checks - yup spark fine, no injection tho....hmmm ...... checck fuses..

Yup theres the ansa - "ECM" fuse is bust........he goes gets another one....puts it in and jumps when it pops big style - ok whats going on ere then???

Spent about 20 mins hunting round, checking wiring etc etc, then checks under dash and pulls all the carpet back......ahh haa.......nice RED live wire dangling loose and shorting out on the car's body......swiftly made safe and put out of way, new fuse goes in......vroom starts up fine!!

So carrys on to MKB meet, and i dunno if it were arcing before but it ran alot beter after mr AA fiddled and moved the wire out the way, but it much better now (as people will testify hehehe)

Still needs work though on suspension and steering and there still some oddity with the fuel / air mixture, so will chuck a new filter and see whats what, also it has sooo been remapped it aint funny - to get into 4th / OD gear it waits till you doing 58-60mph then changes up......

Anyhow heres some pics fronm the side of the road, then at the pub

http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_002.JPG\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_002.JPG\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>
http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_005.JPG\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_005.JPG\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>
http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_026.JPG\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]http://www.mkb.cc/gallery/albums/MKB%20Meet%20-%20April%2007/MKB_Meet_April_07_Pic_026.JPG\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>


OH and bugger me - gorra sort the seats out - UBER uncomfortable - serious back ache now

Also wont be doing tooo many miles in the phoon if i can - used almost 2/3rd's a tank today going to & from MKB meet......thats about 30 quid or more i reckon


Quoting: ianjpage
Also wont be doing tooo many miles in the phoon if i can - used almost 2/3rd's a tank today going to & from MKB meet......thats about 30 quid i reckon

I reckon I use about £20 in the caddy . . . . doing probably one fifth of the distance.


Quoting: Roadkill

I reckon I use about £20 in the caddy . . . . doing probably one fifth of the distance.

Hmm bit of a bigger engine in yours tho lol!!


See the viper's not that bad my fuel gauge dont move when i come down to the meets....
Sorry i missed it..


PS great truck..


LOL erm that prob cos you a tad closer to the meet than we are

Cheers mate!


Quoting: Roadkill
I reckon I use about £20 in the caddy . . . . doing probably one fifth of the distance.

Yeah but £10 of that goes on the outside of the engine!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...




Quoting: FUBAR
Yeah but £10 of that goes on the outside of the engine!

Not anymore . . . Carb rebuild 4 teh win !!!111 . . . . She doesn't loose ANY now.

F Body

There's a storm brewing

NB : They do make vehicles that are not black