Music and Movie Section ?

Started by Roadkill, January 10, 2006, 05:44:13 PM

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Just an idea I've had for a while . . . .

As many of us share similar () tastes in Music and Film.

And as a way to expand the Forum I'm suggesting a M&M () Section if it's possible to do so.

Could include "reviews" etc . . . Must listen to stuff . . . Any up coming Gigs etc . . . .


I'm NOT suggesting it should be used as an excuse for a "Song of the moment" thread.

Such threads should be removed from the forum immediately and their posters strung up.


Quoting: Roadkill
Such threads should be removed from the forum immediately and their posters strung up.

Indeed, any such threads must be removed ASAP


How about setting up Banter as a Subtitle and then separate 'banter' style forums under it

Music & Film
General Garbage


Quoting: Jamieg285
How about setting up Banter as a Subtitle and then separate 'banter' style forums under it

Music & Film
General Garbage

Now there is a man thinking, just need to keep it modded otherwise philo will be all over it


Quoting: 55starchief
Now there is a man thinking



Just a point why was this posted ith the news section surely it should be in the sugestions section



Good thing I got these moderator buttons for emergencies like this.



The reason I suggest it as a "Stand alone" section is to spread the postings a little thinner.

A Thread can get lost in a week at our rate of posting.

Also, from a Visitors point of view there would be more to visually offer on the front page.

And that can only be good.


Well I was hoping that people would suggest some suitable Banter sub-forum titles...



I Just think, although it's not directly car-related, it's not really banter either.


Quoting: Roadkill
The reason I suggest it as a "Stand alone" section is to spread the postings a little thinner.

It would be a forum in it's own right, complete with it's own donut.
It would be grouped under a Bold (non-forum) subtitle of Banter


Quoting: Roadkill
I Just think, although it's not directly car-related, it's not really banter either.

I see, but I don't think we want to spread our selves too much.  If it ain't cars or MKB related, it's just banter IMO.  We can just categorise it a little.


Ahh, get ya'.

Good call.

So, yeah, we do need to find more sub-catagories for "Banter" then.


Quoting: Jamieg285
I see, but I don't think we want to spread our selves too much. If it ain't cars or MKB related, it's just banter IMO. We can just categorise it a little.

Ebay links isn't banter.


Quoting: Roadkill
Ebay links isn't banter

No, but in our usage, it's mainly going to be car stuff???


As long as they're all visible from the main page I agree with Breaking "Banter" down into smaller chunks.

If we've got Music and Movies, maybe we could include "Games" too.

Prime example GTA . . .

And BF2.


Also maybe a P.C (/mac ) thread.

To include any help for P.C noobs like me or any useful info, decent hardware/software people have found ?


To start with I would combine PC and Games in the same place. If usage is high, then it can be split down again.

I don't see the point in us having a forums that's rarely used.


Quoting: Jamieg285
To start with I would combine PC and Games in the same place. If usage is high, then it can be split down again.

Yup, np, just said it as I thought of it.



General Banter
Music and Movie
P.C and Gaming
. . . . . . . . . .  


Quoting: Jamieg285
To start with I would combine PC and Games in the same place. If usage is high, then it can be split down again.

Another good idea
I'm for all this Lot.

Jamie don't you have more donut icons than we are currently using anyway? I sent you quite a few IIRC
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


How about a (Kind of) Was it you ?

I Know we all know each other, but I see probably 1-2 Yank motors a fortnight out and about locally.

Would be good to keep a log as kind of research as to who's in our area.

Again.  Just ideas . . . . . . . .



I'm on Fire today.

I'm gonna have a nap . . . . . . zzzzzzzzzzzz