Billing season ticket

Started by Incursus, January 11, 2006, 05:29:05 PM

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Been looking at the website for info on a season ticket.

I'm sure I saw it there last year...

..not there now.   They still do em?  

F Body

Yep I think I paid £45 last year ( Management will comfirm )

Well worth it , pay's for itself in two weekends and it makes entrance quick & easy  ;-)

Usually goes up about a fiver each year , so I'm guessing £50.


Sign me up !

Do you have one per car ? Or does each *cough* person need one ?

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
Do you have one per car ? Or does each *cough* person need one ?

One per car but it can go in any car  

Management say's it was £40 last year , so I'm guessing £45 this year ?


I need to get one too.

Let me know where to look!

F Body

Just checked the near to useless Billing website and nothing there

You call in at the main office at Billing , it's just after the cash m/c on your left before the toll booths.

They may do them by post ?


Sounds like effort to me Martyn, and i'm not that kinda man.


Quoting: F Body
Just checked the near to useless Billing website and nothing there

Cuh I told you that in the 1st post


well get  alocal to pop in for ya and get em lol!!

art b

had one last year got it in feb, it went to lotsa shows,
in quite a few different cars,being up the road it went every other weekend,

some one even took it for a day out at the koi show,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


hmmm a local you say    


i'd hold fire, billing aquadrome is up for sale (actualy, sold i believe), so there is no telling what the new owners are planing..


...but I want to go to that Koi Show?

No fair.


Koi's rock!

I Wanna Koi pond . . . they're just sooo bloody expensive.

And hard to keep.  And have a nasty habit of eating pond plants down to their roots.


Quoting: philoldsmobile
i'd hold fire, billing aquadrome is up for sale (actualy, sold i believe), so there is no telling what the new owners are planing..

Does that mean that the "I'm camping with a friend" line won't work anymore...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Who knows ?

However - with a season ticket it wouldn't matter.


Quoting: Roadkill
with a season ticket it wouldn't matter.

Good point!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Any one know if the season tickets are available yet?


I'll call them later and find out . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
I'll call them later and find out . . .


F Body


Quoting: F Body
£50 this year !

And how do we get said ticket of many riches?


Quoting: 55starchief
ticket of many riches?

Nice wording there

Same question from me too...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Yeah, I was just about to log off an call them . . .


Quoting: F Body
£50 this year !

Please remind me, how much is it to get in normally?

I'm not sure how many times we will be going (not as many as you guys), so it's debateable as to whether it will be a saving.