"His Dark Materials" Trilogy on its way.

Started by Roadkill, May 22, 2007, 09:55:24 AM

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Weitz said he would not be "dumbing down" the books for the sake of mass accessibility

Good, last I heard they were taking any references to God out of it because it might be considered blasphemes<sp>

Fantastic books, hope the film is as good.


Also - Nicole Kidman . . . and Eva Green, apparently.

Goo !


Quoting: Incursus
Weitz said he would not be "dumbing down" the books for the sake of mass accessibility

Though they did change the name to "the golden compass"
someone who saw the cover but didn't read the book


Quoting: Incursus
Though they did change the name to "the golden compass"

That was what the book was called in the U.S.

Makes sense as potentially most of the sales will be in the U.S.



Sammy Lou

i am happy it has the sexy Daniel Craige in it

F Body

Quoting: Incursus
New trailer http://www.goldencompassmovie.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.goldencompassmovie.com/

release date Dec 7th

Looks Might go and see that

Sammy Lou


Sammy Lou


Quoting: Incursus
mmm eva green


Giggidy Giggidy Goo !



Nah reviews have panned it from what i have read

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
Nah reviews have panned it from what i have read

The Trilogy film or the Golden Compass


Quoting: F Body

The Trilogy film or the Golden Compass

The golden compass

F Body


Quoting: F Body

Sunday Times only gave it 2 stars !

Yup and in the USA it recieved about the same


I saw Golden Compass Norther Lights on Friday.
Having read the books it was ofc a little disappointing (as all movies are compared to the books). That said, it was very well done and I still recommend it and I hope they make the other 2.

It's a bit of a paradox really; the book has been cut down so much that the story is difficult to follow if you haven't read the book first, but if you have read the book you will be disappointed at the amount cut out!
Still, it's no worse that the potter films in this respect.

XXXXX - It's no LOTR, but it probably cost a lot less.

P.S. I'm not surprised the yanks didn't like it much, as the trilogy dares to breach the subject of the church and its power.


Quoting: Kenny
as the trilogy dares to breach the subject of the church and its power.

We all know religion is evil.


just me then?  

Vicky, Ian?

You local now,  MKB cheap Tuesday Steak and Cinema outings forthewin!!11.

Steak and a drink for £6 and £4.40 cheap Tuesday at the fliks.


Quoting: 55starchief
Nah reviews have panned it from what i have read
Quoting: F Body
Pitty it looked good in the trailers

Sunday Times only gave it 2 stars !

Prefer to make my own mind up tbh.  

Though I'm well aware it wont be at good as the books.




I'm guessing Ian and Vicky will have lots to do in the new house . . .

I'd go but tonight's the only night this week my Dad can come round to assist me with the grouting in the bathroom- I F*cking hate grouting !
(and once that is done I can fit the new toilet )


I'll see what Dan & Ewka wanna do but might put this off to the new year then.

As Samantha says, the little scrotes kids are off this week.