A plea for help.....

Started by sixpack2639, September 24, 2007, 08:04:46 PM

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Jealousy is an ugly creature, Art.

Mind you . . it's been a few weeks without the




Just because the goal has been met, PLEASE don't let that stop you from donating if you were going to. And if you don't donate to this particular fund, donate to one in the UK as it is a VERY WORTHY CAUSE!!!!!!


Good news.

Keep us posted, of course.



The walk is a week away and Carole has been working her arse off raising funds and walking 10-15 miles a day to get ready.

She met the $1800 minium goal to walk with your help and has renewed her goal to $4000.

She is at 53% of that goal with $2125 in donations at present.

If anyone else wants to donate, now is the time!! And a HUGE thanks to everyone that has donated so far.

Heres the link again.....

http://info.avonfoundation.org/site/TR/Walk2007/Charlotte?px=3215048&pg=personal&fr_id=1281\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://info.avonfoundation.org/site/TR/Walk2007/Charlotte?px=3215048&pg=personal&fr_id=1281


Well.... She managed to raise over $3000 with your help.

She only made 33 of the 40 miles, but we're still proud as hell of her!

A huge thanks from me, and Carole as well!!!!

BTW, Admin, you can unsticky this now, and thanks!

art b

wish her well from us limeys carl, thats some going
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: sixpack2639
BTW, Admin, you can unsticky this now, and thanks!

Tis Done

Quoting: sixpack2639
Well.... She managed to raise over $3000 with your help.

Way to go Girl


excellent going - will unsticky now!!

F Body

Quoting: ianjpage
excellent going - will unsticky now!!

Quoting: F Body

Quoting: sixpack2639
BTW, Admin, you can unsticky this now, and thanks!

Tis Done


Quoting: F Body

Quoting: sixpack2639
BTW, Admin, you can unsticky this now, and thanks!

Tis Done

ahh but there is stickyness and super stickyness!!!