i is working again

Started by Allanv, November 14, 2008, 03:07:30 PM

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I have a new contract so all is good again :)


cool - who with this time then??


a place in wiltshire that makes a washing machine among other things :wink


ahhh cool - would that be in marlborough (or malmesbury) is it ???



hows you and Vicky, well i hope.



Quoting: Allanv
the second place

Ahhh think i know the place begins with D ..... ??

Quoting: Allanv
hows you and Vicky, well i hope.

Yeah not too bad mate - stupid crazy at work for me (hence i taken a couple of days off to relax!)  Vicky is OK - still having probs with her wrist but otherwise OK.

How U Doing?


I am fine thank you the wife is the fine also.

Life is good still so thats a blessing, working weekends again with some freelance work so its all good


Well bet ya cant guess where i am working this month?

oh and some entertainment for you

http://redkid.net/generator/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://redkid.net/generator/


Hiya Allan. Hope you are OK

Quoting: Allanv
Well bet ya cant guess where i am working this month?


F Body

Quoting: Allanv
I have a new contract so all is good again :)

Well done not many of those around at the moment


Quoting: Amey
Hiya Allan. Hope you are OK  

Quoting: Allanv
Well bet ya cant guess where i am working this month?


Vicky you win um something, and yes i am ok.

PS: Peter leaves ELC in 1 month for pastures new.

Gavin is still there still fick but still there.  I am working out of ELC but thats just a convenience factor.


Quoting: F Body
Quoting: Allanv
I have a new contract so all is good again :)

Well done not many of those around at the moment

i have this one for 2 months and the next lined up already


Quoting: Allanv
Vicky you win um something, and yes i am ok.

PS: Peter leaves ELC in 1 month for pastures new.

Gavin is still there still fick but still there. I am working out of ELC but thats just a convenience factor.

They can't keep you away can they doing anything special there, or just support?
Wow, how is he these days? Do you know where he's heading too?

I didn't realise that they were gunna keep that office open this long.
Aww bless, Gavin the human screensaver


Doing PCI compliance project.  No support although that didnt stop them asking me to build a new TS server when Citrix finally died the other week.


Quoting: Allanv
No support although that didnt stop them asking me to build a new TS server when Citrix finally died the other week.

Wow, it lasted that long in the end


Quoting: Allanv
that didnt stop them asking me to build a new TS server

A new Teamspeak server...???
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR

A new Teamspeak server...???


Quoting: FUBAR
A new Teamspeak server...???