21 days and moving on

Started by Allanv, February 05, 2009, 02:51:04 PM

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For those that know me its been 21 days since i quite smoking..

That is all

if you want to know how i did it just ask

art b

a jolly good move id imagine...........
do ya feel any difference/benefits yet
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


i feel great art b

benefits no i still work so i don't receive any  

F Body

Quoting: Allanv
if you want to know how i did it just ask

How did you do it Allan


I used this

http://www.e-cigs.co.uk/classic.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.e-cigs.co.uk/classic.html

i have tried patches, gum, inhalators, will power and cold turkey nothing worked but then i found the e-cig the rest is history.

and it started with this thread..

http://pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=141&t=622087&mid=142015&nmt=e-Cigarettes\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=141&t=622087&mid=142015&nmt=e-Cigarettes



F Body

Quoting: Allanv
I used this

http://www.e-cigs.co.uk/classic.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.e-cigs.co.uk/classic.html

Quote " The cartridges contain the liquid suspended nicotine which produces the vapour "

Surely your still smoking then

You won't be as likely to get lung cancer, but the you'll still have the same greatly increased risk of heart disease


Quoting: F Body
Quote " The cartridges contain the liquid suspended nicotine which produces the vapour "

Surely your still smoking then

its the 4000 other chemicals that kill the vapour is just water and after a few weeks you stop the e-cig as well.

simple and good

F Body

Quoting: Allanv
the vapour is just water

Well not exactly if you read the Wikipedia artical from the Google link :

Substance    Recipe 1    Recipe 2    Recipe 3    Recipe 4
Propylene glycol    85%    80%    90%    80%
Nicotine    6%    4%    2%    0.1%
Glycerol    2%    5%    -    5%
Tobacco essence    -    4%    4.5%    1%
Essence    2%    -    1%    1%
Organic acid    1%    -    -    2%
Anti-oxidation agent    1%    -    -    -
Butyl valerate    -    1%    -    -
Isopentyl hexonate    -    1%    -    -
Lauryl laurate    -    0.6%    -
Benzyl benzoate    -    0.4%    -    -
Methyl octynicate    -    0-5%    -    -
Ethyl heptylate    -    0.2%    -    -
Hexyl hexanoate    -    0.3%    -    -
Geranyl butyrate    -    2%    -    -
Menthol    -    0.5%    -    -
Citric acid    -    0.5%    2.5%    -
Water    -    -    -    2.9%
Alcohol    -    -    -    8%

Still if you can reduce the strength over time and quit it's got to be worth a go


**** ME

Alcohol - - - 8%

I will keep them ---- BEER BEER