Next MKB Meet Sunday 5th July.

Started by F Body, July 02, 2009, 08:12:14 AM

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F Body



We should discuss the All Clubs


Ah feckity feck! Have a bbq to go. Might swing by though. What time do you guys hang around til?


Gonna try and get along.  On night shift all weekend until Thursday morning


Quoting: Andy
What time do you guys hang around til?

Varies as to how busy we are / what the weather's doing / who's eating there etc . . . .

Normally there until 6.30 - 7pm, at least - sometimes later.

Quoting: Incursus
We should discuss the All Clubs


Mental note - must have a look for trailors . . . .


prob not be there now - can someone make sure pics are taken

Flip Martian

Too many things to do tomorrow...


Quoting: ianjpage
prob not be there now - can someone make sure pics are taken

We will prob not be there.

My Dad was rushed into Bath hospital yesterday morning with a suspected Stroke.
Ian and I rushed down to be with him & Mum.
Dad was then transferred to Bristol (frenchay) yesterday early evening.
The lastest update from the doctors late last night is that he had a Blister on the brain which has burst.
This has left a lot of fluid on the brain and they are monitoring him very closely.
They pumped him full of morphine yesterday to stop the pain, and he spent most of the day asleep

They have told my Mum that this is the worst type of brain bleed/fluid someone can get.
If the fluid increases a little bit, or he has a stroke there would be a high chance of him not surviving

We will be going back up the hospital this afternoon, but will be back home tonight as I have a very early hospital appointment myself tomorrow morning

F Body

Quoting: Amey
My Dad was rushed into Bath hospital yesterday morning with a suspected Stroke.

Hope he is alright

Don't worry about the meet, he is far more important

Flip Martian

What horrible news. Hopefully he'll pull through ok; all the best to you both.


Quoting: Amey
We will prob not be there.

My Dad was rushed into Bath hospital yesterday morning with a suspected Stroke.
Ian and I rushed down to be with him & Mum.

sorry to hear this Vicky, fingers crossed things work out as well is as possible, and good luck for tomorrow..


Thanks guys

We've spoken to the hospital this morning and things have improved a tiny bit - which is something at least.
He can now move and is still sleeping a lot.
He is a lot more coherant today than he was yesterday

Quoting: philoldsmobile
sorry to hear this Vicky, fingers crossed things work out as well is as possible, and good luck for tomorrow..

Thank you darling - will prob pop round to you guys tomorrow night depending on how I get on tomorrow


I hope everything turns out OK Vicky..

F Body

I made the meet with PhilO on our Honda's

for the win on the way back home on the M1 it was stuffed !



Quoting: Amey
We will be going back up the hospital this afternoon

Went to see Dad this afternoon. He is a lot better compared to yesterday.
He's awake and winding the nurses up already
He's still in quite a bit of pain, but refusing tablets for it most of today.
They still haven't made up their minds if they are going to operate or not.
He had a cat scan this morning and will be having more tests tomorrow.
He was complaining he was hungry as they won't allow him to eat until they know when they are going to operate

He managed to stay awake for about 2 hours while we were there, but was then very tired.

He can't understand why Mum is now going to be off for 2 weeks, and didn't want her to visit him although he's not going to get a choice in the matter

I will prob be back down there next weekend to see how he's getting on


Quoting: Amey
He is a lot better compared to yesterday.

Good news.


Quoting: Incursus

Pics on the .ftp

thanks will sort now


Quoting: Roadkill

Quoting: Amey
He is a lot better compared to yesterday.

Good news.

Indeed it was good to see him awake and talking, still not out of the woods but signs are looking possitive now!



Quoting: Amey
He is a lot better compared to yesterday.

Things have changed again

He had a operation yesterday.
Started at 2pm and was supposed to find where the bleeding was coming from and then fit a ciol to stop it.

The operation took about 4-5 hours in the end, a lot longer than they'd planned.
They called my Mum after he was out to explain why
Because there was so much bleeding, they have had to remove quite a few blood vessels. This will affect Dad quite a bit - as in it will give him mood swings, anxiety and possibly other things (Mum should find out more this afternoon)

Mum was not allowed to visit him last night or this morning (stupid hopsital visiting times and they would not let her in before then, even after what Dad has just gone through )
So I will know more after she has seen him

art b

sounds like hes having a rough old time, for him
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