Nexus One! Its here!

Started by Cunning Plan, January 05, 2010, 04:44:42 PM

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you're not one for modern advances are you dude...

you'll be tearing the perfectly good efi off a car and replacing it with an archaeic vacuum bassed bernouli effect device next...

Cunning Plan

Quoting: EDGE
you'll be tearing the perfectly good efi off a car and replacing it with an archaeic vacuum bassed bernouli effect device next...

Yep, nice analogy.

Are you still watching a black and white TV?

YOU may not need or want to need a smartphone, but the point is, 99% of the market does have a use for it and all phones will gradually become smartphones - you won't be able to find a Nokia 3310 on the shelf . Why? - because if you CAN make a device better, why wouldn't you?

Ive been posting on forums from my phone for a while now - why? Because my 'old' work blocked the net - doesn't mean I no longer want to look at the forums, they are just preventing me, so out came the phone.

How about a new automatic transmission for you? It gives you 50% extra HP and 20% extra economy, but also comes with a setting that allows you to plug in a laptop and adjust your gear ratios yourself... Sound good?
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

Cunning Plan

Quoting: EDGE
googlemap - been handy on MANY occasions as my satnav is pretty old

Yep, we were lost in Norfolk during xmas and my girlfriends iPhone loaded Google maps and found us before my Sat-Nav even found a signal..

Job done!
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

Cunning Plan

Also.. take a look on the Cunning Snow Pictures thread - all of those pictures were taken from my phone as I didn't have a proper camera with me.. I would have missed all those good picture opportunities if I had a phone that just made calls..
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

Cunning Plan

Anyone seen an app (can be iPhone or Android based - they both have one) that logs business milage etc, can work out MPG, average speed etc, all through GPS - uber useful!

1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)

art b

Quoting: Cunning Plan
Anyone many posts i make with my phone

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


calendar (hell yes)
Photo album display
Facebook (well all general interweb browsing tbh)
Language translation
and more.

Quoting: Roadkill
I've tried "surfing" on a phone and hated it.
Quoting: Roadkill
good ole' fashioned buttons anyday.
= the problem.

Don't know about touch being pretty but it makes using any multifunction device, especially phones far easier, quicker and more intuitive.

Its like any tool if you have it you use it to make life easier if you don't you muddle along the best you can.

Quoting: Roadkill
The more dependent you are on your phone the more lost you are without it.

Not wrong there I'd probably still be in the depths of Coventry now if I hadn't got my phone with me today


F- me! Just downloaded the iTunes remote! Thats awesome!


Quoting: Cunning Plan
Anyone seen an app (can be iPhone or Android based - they both have one) that logs business milage etc, can work out MPG, average speed etc, all through GPS - uber useful!

I don't have one that logs it by GPS, I am testing 2 apps for keeping track of the running costs of the car (mainly fuel economy) which are:

Road Trip LE

Both have their pro's and cons.


As for having an Apple logo on the back, that just suggests to me it will work as advertised and not frustrate me.

I couldn't care less about the fashion aspect of having an iPhone or the iPod before it.  I bought an iPod before they were fashion items, back in those days they only worked on Macs which made them niche anyway.  Back then Apple computers were largely ignored, they're only discussed and rising in prominence these days as people got an iPod, liked the ease of use and their ability to use the features the device promised (most people could never figure out their phone) and they then tried a Mac and liked that.  As they have gathered momentum they became popular with hipsters and hence some people (wrongly) see them as a fashion accessory.

As for feature sets, I used to only care about making calls, I never used to text.  I loved my little clamshell v3688 Motorola.  It was tiny and high tech for its day.

As the net became my work life I wanted email on the move and a few early phones had it but my god was it slow and clunky.  It was basically unusable.  I used to use it to give me the subject lines and "from" details of emails and that was it.

As time went on I wanted proper email and web access, I went through *so* many expensive phones to try and get it, the Nokia Communicator was the best pf those but still very clunky and limited in functionality.  It had a couple of dozen apps you could install on it but you had to hunt them down online and jump through hoops to install them.  I then tried a HTC Vario running Windows Mobile.  What a POS that was.  It still holds the record for shortest time I have owned a phone at just 3 weeks.

After using the iPod and finding it wonderful compared to the mp3 players I had had in the past (which I only bought as I had already bought an iBook laptop and loved it) I found myself wishing Apple would release a phone.  I knew it would work well and do what I needed.

When it was finally announced I was thrilled, but when it was only 2G I was disappointed as I knew that *my* net requirements meant it would be dog slow.  I held off for about 4 months then caved in and bought one and it was great but as soon as they released the 3G model I knew that was for me and upgraded the day it came out.

Now I could not possibly not have proper email, proper web browser, google maps with gps and so on.  I pretty much only use facebook via the phone, and the same goes for Twitter.  As the 3rd party apps get better I find more and more uses for it.  Went I went to California on holiday a couple of years ago I used the phone for everything, walking directions, finding places to eat and stay etc etc.  It was indispensable.

I don't care now how fast the cpu is in it (I don't even know which one it has) or hpw big the ROM is or whatever.  All I care about is what it *does*.  Same goes for my Mac.  I can't remember what gfx card I have, I think it's an ATI...  Whatever Apple elected to use has served me just fine.  All I care about now is what *I* can actually *do* with my phone and computer and how easy it is to accomplish.

The Google phone will be a great alternative I'm sure.  I for one don't find google's ability with search engines translates well to other apps in terms of ease of use.  Google's engineers are very geeky, they like their algorithms and stuff, sadly they don't have any good UI designers on board.  They don't have a Steve Jobs examining everything down to the finest detail, pushing the team forward to create something, as he would say: "insanely great".  "Good enough" or "ok" is not in his vocabulary.

Apple are not always the first with cutting edge technology (they were the first with a consumer digital camera btw), for example the iPod was not the first mp3 jukebox, but it is the best overall.  They weren't the first with the smart phone, but I'm sorry, theirs is the best overall.

A guy at work got an iPod Touch for xmas, after complaining about iPods and saying his Samsung was better.  Now he has actually used one in earnest?  He's blown away and thinks it;s the best gadget ever.  He now wants to try and save up for an iMac, partly due to the iPod and partly due to me switching his PC at work for one.  Now he's actually used one, he wants one.


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
What a POS that was. It still holds the record for shortest time I have owned a phone at just 3 weeks.

I had a Samsung running windows once, it literally lasted 48 hours.....

Quoting: Andy
F- me! Just downloaded the iTunes remote! Thats awesome!

Was one of the first, and still the best, apps I have.

That app allowed me to wire my Mac into the TV on HD, then have the sound come out the surround sound, all whilst I kept managing what songs I listened to, wirelessly upstairs.


I have the AppleTV set top box and it controls that.  


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I have the AppleTV set top box and it controls that.  

Never knew that


I've just been reading up on this AppleTV, does it download straight to the box or do you have to wire it up via iTunes?

Also, is it only films or can you get tv series/music videos. Could be a possible investment

Cunning Plan

:offtopic: I'm looking at getting an Airport Extreme and running a harddisk from it creating my own server to use as a 'drop-box' for always-on access to files
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)


TV Series, Music Videos, Movies (inc rentals).

720p HD as well as standard def.

It syncs with your 1 main itunes, can stream from up to 5 other itunes machines.

However you can order rentals/purchases directly from it and it can start ti play them as soon as it has buffered.  On my 16Mbps (Actual throughput) broadband a high def movie is ready to watch within 20 seconds.


Quoting: Cunning Plan
Are you still watching a black and white TV?


But that said I don't watch a lot of TV, anyway.

Also my current, Colour, CRT offers basically the same uses as my old B+W CRT I had 25 years ago so I fail to see the point of that analogy.

Quoting: EDGE
you'll be tearing the perfectly good efi off a car and replacing it with an archaeic vacuum bassed bernouli effect device next...

If the FI works I'd leave it on.

That said I avoid cars I can't work on so tend to buy older (typically Carbed) cars for hobby purposes.

FI is not infailable.  It's better for economy and your "run-of-the-mill" cars, I agree, but as far as I'm concerned that's it.

Quoting: Cunning Plan
I would have missed all those good picture opportunities if I had a phone that just made calls..

You still missed them.

NOTHING beats a camera for taking pictures.   What you've got are "snaps" not "pictures".


Quoting: Incursus
= the problem


I've tried it on a touch-screen phone.  Still didn't like it (surfing or the phone).

I like buttons because I can feel them.  Speak to most engineers (in the real sense) and they'll probably agree with you.

Hard skin build-up over years in the industry isn't touch-screen user friendly.

But hey.  Phones are fashionable.  And I'm not up with fashion.

Enjoy.  I'll carry on getting excited over other pursuits . . . .


Quoting: Roadkill
I like buttons because I can feel them. Speak to most engineers (in the real sense) and they'll probably agree with you.

I'll admit they're not great in my working environment (hands in and out of coolant and oil). I found my last button phone a SE C902 still failed on me and that was because of crap getting under the keypad and in the phone. Saying that there wasn't much going for that phone. Had many replacements, 10 in total from Orange and it's what eventually swayed me from them to O2 and then the iPhone.

At least a plus on the iPhone over buttons is that it's a flat, wipe friendly surface and if you get oil or water on it, it's easy to get off.

Can see your points though Rk and there's nothing wrong with sticking with trusted stuff. We run our CNC TNC off a Commadore 64, has it ever failed as much as any of our windows machines...