Insurance Company Rant !

Started by F Body, January 19, 2009, 09:16:14 AM

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F Body

Got another e-mail from my Broker this morning :

> We have not received renewal advices from you for vehicle registration XXX XXXXX. Please call 0844 8888908 urgently if you require cover to continue.
> Yours sincerely,
> Adrian Flux Insurance Services.

My reply :

Well this is the 2nd of my four vehicle policies that you have now lost !
You are my broker and NOT my insurance company, why should I have to ring round to get a much cheaper quote, get it in writing and then you'll go £10 cheaper ?
Sorry people you may get away with fooling some customers into paying way over the odds, but you aren't fooling me anymore !
Wake up there is a recession going on, time to do what your customers pay you for, finding the cheapest insurance, or may be you think your a Bank ?
2 policies down 2 to go ( I won't hold my breath )

Yours sincerely